26 September 2019

Catholic Education South Australia

Vale Father John Rate msc

This week we were all very shocked to receive the news that our dear friend and beautiful Parish Priest had died.

After being in hospital for over a week, Father John's health deteriorated on Friday and he never seemed to rally. Late Sunday afternoon the doctors confirmed his kidney had failed and he declined from there.

We are all feeling an incredible void and an overwhelming sense of sorrow as we have lost a most caring and compassionate friend and leader who truly was the heart of Jesus here on earth.

Thank you for the many messages from families who have expressed their love for Father John. For quite a few of our parents, Father John has married many and baptised most of the children at Star of the Sea. He was a man who made a difference in the lives of so many. We are grateful for having known him and for being a part of his life.

Requiem Mass to celebrate the life of Father John will be held at the Our Lady of the Sacred Church on Tuesday 1 October at 2pm.

Next term we will be holding a whole school liturgy to celebrate Father John's life with songs and prayers he loved hearing the kids sing. More details will be shared next term and we hope parents and friends will be able to join us.

In the meantime we walk gently with heavy hearts and share stories of a great and wonderful man who touched the lives of many. Let us comfort each other as we come to terms with our loss remembering the love, humour and faith Father John brought to our lives.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, may he rest in peace.


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,

This week’s newsletter marks the end of Term 3 and this Friday we all head off for a well-deserved rest after a very full term. Hopefully, the warmer weather and sunshine will be the tonic we all need to thaw out in readiness for Term 4. As the end of another term arrives it is timely to reflect on all that has been achieved and to recognise some of the highlights.

As I flick through the pages in my diary there are many stand out events that have made the term so memorable. This term we have celebrated Communions and Confirmations, class Masses and family Masses, gone on excursions, celebrated Book Week, performed at the Pulse Concert, started the building program, visited Canberra, we held a Father’s Breakfast, played sport and have had fun learning.

Thank you for making sure your children are ready for school each day with recesses and nutritiously packed lunches, clean uniforms and homework done. Please know that we appreciate the amazing support we receive from our parents.


Colour Fun Run

Colour Fun Run

All systems are go for the Colour Fun Run on Friday. Thank you for the tremendous support we have received for this our first Colour Run fundraiser with over $17,000 raised so far. The following is a check list for Friday:

  • Children to wear a white top for the run if they wish to be coloured
  • Those not wanting to be coloured to wear a top other than white
  • Wear old shorts and tops as they may be stained
  • The children will be walking to St Michael's College and can be collected from there at normal home time. OSHC children will walk back to school
  • Please pack a hat and drink bottle
  • No school bags Friday, a small back pack to carry recess and a drink is all that is needed, a towel to dry and a plastic bag to put clothes in
  • Protective glasses and masks will be provided
  • Parent help to spray and powder the children is still needed. Let us know if you can help

A Colour Fun Run time schedule was sent home with the Q&A sheet #2. The run starts at 12.30pm with Year 1s the first to head off. We look forward to seeing you there.


Summer Uniform

A reminder that the Summer Uniform comes into play next term. This also means that hats are to be worn during playtime and outside activities. There will be a period of grace, however by Week 2 all students should have their hats and the ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy will be enforced.

Please call by the table outside the Library. The table is adorned with lost property. Jumpers, parkers, drink bottles and lunch containers without names.

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U6 Black has such a fun season of soccer! The kids had so much fun, made new friends  and have learnt some awesome skills as well! I think soccer is the best sport at this age! Thanks again for organising everything - we had a blast! The smiles say it all!

Some quick stats on the team's performance:

  • 16 games, including 2 carnival games
  • 75 goals scored by SOS compared to 18 by the opposition
  • top scorers for SOS: Seb Blefari - 30; Jack Bruce - 14; Raff Casey - 9
  • 5 goals or more were scored in 9 games

The most pleasing aspect of the team's performance was their sportsmanship and support for each other.  On the occasions where the other team was short of numbers, our boys were happy to have more time on the bench (to play with even numbers) or play for the other side.  There were no complaints about rotations and time on the bench and they kept their cool when put under pressure by some of the better teams that challenged the boys.

As a team we appreciate that there are many people who volunteer for school sport and get involved in multiple activities, but we as a team would like to highlight Jason's efforts as he has either coached or managed the soccer team for this group of boys for many years and in addition, this year is also coaching and managing the Year 4 and 6 basketball teams.  Jason regularly picks up and drops off children whose parents are not able to attend so that the kids are able to play and the team is not disrupted.  His willingness to go above and beyond is not recognised nearly enough but is always appreciated.

Thank you Jason!

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Key Dates

Term Dates

Term 4
Monday 14 October - Thursday 12 December

Tuesday 22 October
Photo Day

Friday 25 October
Family Photo Mop up day



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From the Deputy Principal

Spring has sprung and all the elements of September are beginning to come to fruition. Footy finals, flowers and holidays are all just around the corner. I hope you enjoy some down time in the holiday break with your family and friends and catch some glorious spring time weather.

Zebra Crossing at the End of Marlborough St.

The City of Charles Sturt Council are currently in the ‘community consultation’ phase regarding a Zebra Crossing at the end of Marlborough St on the Esplanade. From a school point of view, the installation of a designated crossing would certainly make it easier and safer for groups of children to cross onto the beach for marine trails and short walks to the beach. It would also be safer for parents crossing the Esplanade at the beginning and end of the day with children. I encourage parents to use the link to have your say:  

I appreciate your time to access the link.


Volunteer Requirement

I write to say a huge thanks for the time and dedication to our students and our school that our volunteers make. We appreciate the time our volunteers give up for the benefit of our school, the staff and the children. I remind all volunteers that to be able to volunteer in any capacity in school, excursions, sporting roles, or any other role, volunteers must have the following current and valid:

Catholic Police Clearance - WWCC (working with children check)
RAN Certificate (Responding to Abuse and Neglect)

WITHOUT these two current and valid documents, community members will be UNABLE to volunteer.

If you have any questions regarding your validity to volunteer or your current volunteer status, please contact Paula Ogilvie on pogilvie@star.catholic.edu.au or through the front office on 8115 7408.



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Student Achievements

Sunday 8 September Daisy Dixon took part in her 1st Jiu Jitsu Tournament and won second place. Great achievement as she has only just had a little over 3 months of training. Well done Daisy you are a great example for other students!

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Congratulations to Alexia and Hannah. Before heading off on School Camp to Canberra in Wk 8, Alexia and Hannah represented Airport Districts in the Metro SAPSASA Soccer. Airport District came 3rd with 7 wins, 1 draw and 1 defeat. Congratulations girls, that is a fantastic achievement.

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Footsteps Dance for Rec – Yr 4  -  Weeks 1 – 4 & 6

SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival – Week 3, Day TBC

Surf Ed for Yr 4’s – Friday 15 and Monday 18 September


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