Newsletter Term 2 Week 2
Dear Families
Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting important visitors to our school. Sally Egan, Deputy Chair of the National Catholic Education Commission and Amanda Humeniuk, our School Performance Leader came to hear more about our school. The Director of Catholic Education SA, Dr Neil McGoran, was also going to attend but unfortunately was called to an important meeting at the last moment.
You might ask, “Why are they visiting our school?” Read the article in this newsletter to learn more!
Future Directions at Star of the Sea School.
Read the article in this newsletter about the final step in the development of our three-year School Strategic Plan. We invite all families to contribute to our prioritising exercise by completing our survey, 2022 - 2024 SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN. The survey can be accessed via this link:
Federal Election 2022
Education is an important topic at every election. As we head towards the Federal Election on May 21, Catholics are being asked to consider how their vote will benefit the whole community. It is essential that everybody who cares about Catholic schools understands the key issues. In this newsletter you will find a summary sheet outlining the positions of the major parties. Further resources are available at election.
Annual General Meeting – you are invited.
In this newsletter you will find information about our AGM to be held on Monday 30 May 2022.
Interested in joining the School Board? You can read about what School Board Members do in this article and fill in a nomination form.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We are entering into the second week of interviews, unfortunately the rules from SA Health and CESA are that these cannot be face-to-face at this time. In the coming weeks we will be keen to meet face-to-face with families, if you would like, that have been provided with a Personalised Plan for learning.
Congratulations to our Year 3 & 5 students who have almost completed their week of testing. Technology caused a few hiccups on the first day but otherwise it has been smooth sailing!
Damian Weeks
Recent News

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting important visitors to our school. Sally Egan, Deputy Chair of the National Catholic Education Commission and Amanda Humeniuk, our School Performance Leader came to hear more about our school. The Director of Catholic Education SA, Dr Neil McGoran, was also going to attend but unfortunately, he was called to an important meeting at the last moment.
You might ask, “Why are they visiting our school?”
The word is out about the results that have been achieved at our school. While I have been telling plenty of people about our internal results over the last two years, as you know these have now been validated externally with last year’s NAPLAN results. People are becoming more and more interested in how we have done this.
The first thing I tell them is I have been lucky to come to a school with such a great staff, willing to look at what is working and changing those things that require change!
The second key to our success is our “Leaders of Learning.” This group meets every Wednesday and works on the key aspects of developing, “thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.” Another way of describing this is the culture we are developing here at the school. A large part of the work our “Leaders of Learning” are doing is around, new ways of working to achieve improved student outcomes, and this has been part of the success story of the improved results at our school.
I would like to thank our Leaders of Learning for the fantastic work that they have been doing over the last year and a half. Our teachers, that are members of this group are Louise Santillo, Domenique Laurendi and Sheena Pattinson. They are joined each week by members of our Leadership Team, Jhovana Fenu, Matt Perry/Narrelle Sandercock and myself.
Over the last year and a half this group has worked on:
- Living Learning Leading Framework & standards
- Timetables
- A-E Grades
- Clarity (Learning walks, Learning intentions & success criteria)
- Data Wall
- Wellbeing - Zones of Regulation & Learn to play
- Crossways Redesign
- Alignment
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Alignment
- Balanced Score Card
- Blueprint for Step change
- Balanced Score Card
I would also like to thank the Year 2 teachers for hosting our visitors in their classroom. The teachers and children shared different aspects of their literacy block.
We have arrived at the final step in the development of our three-year School Strategic Plan. This step requires our school community to help prioritise the many great ideas we have collected. You can participate by completing the survey that can be accessed via this link:
The Strategic Plan outlines the directions that Star of the Sea School will be taking over the next three-year time period so that our students will continue to thrive, learn and develop into the leaders for the world God desires.
Our Strategic Plan directly relates to Catholic Education SA’s vision for all Catholic Schools captured in the Living, Learning, Leading Framework and the other key documents for Catholic Schools (A Blueprint for Step Change and the Balanced Scorecard).
The final plan revolves around the four key domains
Catholic identity is experienced within a culture of dialogue in an inclusive school community.
Learning and wellbeing is experienced through the Australian Curriculum and co-constructed learning and assessment design where student agency, identity, learning and leadership is experienced.
Resourcing includes buildings and grounds, human capital and the optimal staffing ratio, a healthy financial position and a healthy 5 Year enrolment trend.
Community Engagement is evident when the school promotes a vision for learning that recognises the primary role of parents and families in the identity development and education of their children.
Join the conversation by completing the survey

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This year, with the easing of Covid restrictions, the School Board is hoping to run a traditional Annual General Meeting on…
Monday 30 May 2022 – 7pm in the Stella Maris Room
The format for the evening will be:
- Welcome
- Prayer
- Presentation of reports
- Elections of Board Members
- Thank you from the School Board Chair
Nominations – Included in this newsletter is a Nomination Form. Please consider if you would like to take up this most important role. Below is a description of the role of a School Board member. If you wish to nominate, return the signed form after having someone in the community (ie another adult) sign to second your nomination. Nominations close on Thursday 26 May 2022. School Board appointment are for two years. Many School Board members renominate for another period of two years, while some choice not to. Every year 50% of the positions become vacant for which community members can nominate.
What do School Board Members Do?
The faith community has a responsibility for the maintenance and development of its Catholic school. A practical way of accepting its responsibility is to appoint some of its members to use their gifts in working with the principal and staff in School Board ministry.
There are 5 elements of community responsibility that the School Board undertakes:
- Policy Direction – to guide the school
- Financial Management – to account for and administer all income
- Planning & Development – for the present & future
- Pastoral Care – is care for people (students, parents & staff)
- Evaluation – of the effect of policy decisions
The School Board meets monthly during the four school terms (on the Monday of weeks 5 & 9 at 7pm). Meetings run for no longer than two hours, at which discussion is based around reports from the P&F, Principal, Parish, Staff, Treasurer/Bursar and other key groups.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me.
Damian Weeks
The Mother’s Day performance by our littlest people in the Atrium last Friday moved many to tears, myself included! Thank you to the Reception Teachers for your ‘behind-the-scenes’ work on preparing the students for this performance and to our families for your partnership in this. The Mother’s Day Stall was again a great success! Thank you to the Parents and Friends for managing our ‘pop-up’ shop in the Stella Maris Room.
I was delighted to have the opportunity to take classes this week. In Year 1, I supported students to interpret the visual text, ‘Window’ by Jeannie Baker. Creating their own visual story boards to demonstrate understanding of the narrative, students quickly worked out that the message in the picture book was to celebrate life, living and growing up! If the pandemic has taught us anything these past few years, it’s to live our best life always, love with an open heart and find joy in the moments we share with those around us. Thank you to the Year 1 Team for your preparation of these beautiful learning opportunities.
Taking a Reception class on Monday, I enjoyed facilitating a range of number recognition and addition strategy games and learning activities. Mastering the foundations of numeracy can be fun and integrated into our everyday conversations with children. Students happily transferred their learning to outside of the classroom, searching for and identifying addition opportunities within our play spaces.
There is always a little extra tension felt in a school during NAPLAN week. Our students want to do their best and they are eager to show what they know. Families want their children to feel successful in their learning and educators want this too! The nerves quickly settled this week, and our Year 3 and Year 5 students switched into ‘high focus’ mode with ease. We are proud of them all, no matter what! Many thanks to our NAPLAN Coordinator, Sheena Pattinson who seamlessly prepared our school community for this assessment week. Sincere thanks also to all educators, from all year levels. It is through continued connection and collaboration, that our learners thrive. I look forward to jumping into all classes throughout the term. My goal is to learn the names of all students!
Narelle Sandercock
Acting Deputy Principal

Important Dates
School Tour
P&F Meeting 7pm
Ladies Night

Sacrament Program

First Reconciliation
Monday 20 June @ 6pm
Tuesday 21 June @ 6pm
Thursday 23 June @ 6pm
Please contact Stella Foley if you still wish to enrol for this sacrament
Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Parent Information and Enrolment Evening:
Monday 1 August @ 7pm at OLSH Church
Confirmation and First Communion Masses:
Sat 10 September @ 6pm
Sun 11 September @ 11am
Sun 11 September @ 3:30pm
Sun 11 September @ 5:30pm tbc.
More information will follow later in the term.
School Fees 2022
School fee statements are being sent home this week via your child/ren. If you are making regular payments from either a bank account or credit card, please ensure your payments are sufficient to cover any additional fees. Otherwise, you will need to make additional payments to cover these fees via Bpay, QKR or payment to the School Office as they become due. This will ensure your school fee account is cleared by the end of the year.
Just a reminder: Parents/Caregivers who contribute at least $300 to the Planned Giving Programme of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Henley Beach for the 2022 calendar year may apply for a full rebate of the School Capital Levy. Application forms are available from the School Office. You will need to take the form to the Parish Office for approval.
If at any time you are having difficulty with the payment of your school fees, or have any queries, please contact me to confidentially discuss the matter.
Jane Leonard
Finance Manager
Walk to School Day

Next Friday 20 May, is National Walk to School Day. We will have three ‘virtual’ school buses, where children and families can meet. Together, we will walk to school! Please see Skoolbag notifications for further details. Thanks in advance to our Parents and Friends committee, who also support this initiative.
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