Newsletter Term 2 Week 7
Dear Families,
It was delightful meeting new and old families at our Transition Class induction meeting this week. We have 36 new students joining our school next term, spread across two classes. We will be welcome teachers Ella Borlase, Ali Rebuli & Caterina Ferragamo. Our new students will have their first visit next week.
Thank you to everyone that attended our celebration, despite the inclement weather there was a good crowd, who ate all the sausages! Many people went on tours of the new building, led by our senior student leaders, who we thank for their time. Thanks also to Kaya and the school choir and bands for providing the delightful entertainment.
As one group of students move from this program into our mid-year class, another group of students begin next term. This will be the group of students that will make up some of our 2025 Reception intake.
As you know we have moved to a learning management system called SEQTA ENGAGE, and we are taking the next step in our School Report process this term. School Reports will be emailed via the SEQTA ENGAGE system on Tuesday 2 July. All families will need to have activated your SEQTA account to access your child/ren’s reports, emails have been sent.
On Monday 1 July teachers will email families a “Curriculum Overview” that outlines the work covered in each subject area, relating to the Semester 1 Report.
The reports will be followed up by a chance to meet with your child’s teacher in term 3, the week beginning Monday 29 July (the second week of term). Please do not feel that you have to make an appointment, it is really only if you would like to ask questions about the report and your child’s progress.
Just a reminder about day one of term 3 is Monday 22 July that this will be a Pupil Free Day.
I wish to inform you that Donna Marshall has resigned, for personal reasons, from the position of OSHC Director.
We are very thankful that Miffy has and will continue to be the Acting Director this term.
The position of OSHC Director has been advertised today and we expect to hold interviews in week 9.
Damian Weeks
Recent News
As we have passed the halfway point of Term Two, it is often a time children need extra support, strategies and empathy as they continue to navigate and learn to manage their friendships and relationships with peers. In our shared responsibility of nurturing and guiding our children, communication stands as the cornerstone of understanding and support. Understanding that incidents at school often have multiple perspectives is crucial in fostering empathy, problem-solving, and effective communication.
By acknowledging that there are often two sides to every story, parents can support their child in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Encouraging open dialogue and asking open ended questions, allows for a more holistic view of the incident, enabling parents to support them more effectively. We encourage parents and guardians to be in communication with their child’s classroom teacher and contact them if there are any ongoing issue or concerns. Addressing this early is proactive and working in partnership with the school provides an opportunity for ‘wrap around’ pastoral care processes to be implemented as required.
At Star of the Sea School, staff use Restorative Practices to address conflicts and support children in building healthy relationships with their peers. These processes emphasise accountability, empathy, and understanding, allowing all children involved to learn and grow from their experiences. Each stage of a child’s development is acknowledged, and strategies are developed to support this.
Asking open ended questions provides a great opportunity to hear about different aspects of your child’s day and build a positive mindset towards school and their friendships. Below are a list of questions you may like to ask at the end of each day:
- Tell me about the best part of your day.
- What did you enjoy the most during lunchtime?
- Can you share something interesting that happened in class today?
- What was the most interesting thing you learned today?
- Can you describe a challenge you faced and how you overcame it?
- What made you laugh the hardest during recess?
- Did you notice anyone being kind or helpful to others?
- Is there something you wish you could have done differently today?
- What was the highlight of your day today?
- Did you make any new friends or have positive interactions with classmates?
- Did you participate in any fun activities or games during recess?
- Did you feel proud of something you accomplished today?
- What made you laugh or smile today?
- Who was kind to you today?
- Was there a moment where you felt particularly happy or excited?
- Did you have any memorable conversations with your teacher or friends?
- Did you help anyone or receive help from someone today?
- Did you enjoy any books or stories that were read in class?
- Did you feel challenged by any lessons today, and how did you handle it?
- Did you try anything new or different today?
- Who did you look after or care for today?
- What subject did you enjoy the most today, and why?
- Did you use any creative or innovative ideas during class projects?
- Was there anything that made you feel curious or sparked your interest today?
- Did you feel appreciated or recognised for your efforts by anyone at school?
- Did you feel a sense of accomplishment in completing any tasks today?
- Did you ask any questions or share your thoughts and opinions in class?
- What are you looking forward to doing tomorrow at school?
- What would you change or keep about today to make tomorrow a great day?
- Is there anything you'd like to share with me about your day that made you feel happy or proud?
- What are you most grateful for today?
- These open-ended questions encourage your child to articulate their thoughts and feelings more comprehensively, fostering trust and openness.
Great tips: Use 3 of these on the car ride home or write them on to paper strips and put them in a container so children can pull them out at dinner time or before bedtime. It is a great way to share your thoughts and feeling about your day also.
Although we are well and truly into Term 2, may I take this opportunity to remind families about our expectations of wearing the uniform correctly. Both this term and next we expect our students to be wearing their winter uniform not a combination of winter and summer. Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students wear the school’s sports uniform. In Years 3-6, the uniform consists of the following items outlined below. A reminder that our Star Outreach Committee runs the second-hand uniform shop if you require additional items. All uniforms can be purchased from Devon.
Girls |
Boys |
Pleated skirt or navy slacks Long sleeve mid blue shirt Star of the Sea tie Star of the Sea woollen jumper Grey socks Black regulation school shoe (not black sneakers) |
Long grey school pants Long sleeve mid blue shirt Star of the Sea tie Star of the Sea woollen jumper Grey socks Black regulation school shoe (not black sneakers) |
We understand that occasionally, children may need to arrive at school late or leave early for appointments or other activities. We kindly request that families notify the office or the classroom teacher in advance when these situations arise. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Unfortunately, children are sick from time to time and not in a condition to be at school and possibly sharing illness with others. We appreciate that it can be difficult to make a decision as a parent to determine if your child is ‘sick enough’ to stay away from school. We have had a few students unwell this week, we ask for your support and keep your child home until fit to be back at school.
Have a happy and safe fortnight
Annette Diassinas
On World Environment Day, Wednesday 5 June, the Marine Discovery Centre was acknowledged at the 2024 South Australian Environment Awards.
Marine Discovery Centre team pictured: Georgie Kenning (Marine Scientist), Jess Leopold (Marine Scientist), Carmen Bishop (Director), Karno Martin (Cultural Educator)
The Marine Discovery Centre was a finalist in the 'Working Together Award'
Established in 1997, the Marine Discovery Centre has emerged as a beacon of marine science education in South Australia.
Today, with an annual visitation of 10,000 individuals through school and community visits, the Centre fosters environmental consciousness and cultural appreciation in South Australians.
Through engaging marine exhibits and workshops highlighting Indigenous knowledge, the Centre encourages scientific curiosity and instils a profound respect for the ancient wisdom of Australia's First Peoples in managing marine ecosystems.
In addition to a Certificate of Commendation for the Green Adelaide Pelzer Prize.
Carmen Bishop: Certificate of Merit for Marine and Coastal Education
We congratulate all of the winners and finalists who are making a difference - 2024 SA Environment Awards
The first ever SACPSSA Basketball Carnival was a hit today, coached by the one and only Mr Weeks and Mrs Lynch. Thank you to everyone involved.

Important Dates
Children's Parish Mass 9.30am
Board Meeting
Year 2 Assembly 2.30pm
SAPSASA State Girls Netball
Reception Orientation Visit
Stars Night Out
SAPSASA State Boys Netball
P&F Meeting 7pm
Year 5 Assembly 2.30pm
Pupil Free Day
July Vac Care

July Vac Care is now live on our website.
Parking Reminders

We have received several reports from families about receiving parking fines when parking around the school. Please be vigilant and check all parking signs carefully before waiting in your vehicle or leaving your vehicle. Ensure that you adhere to the time limits and any other restrictions indicated on these signs.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Vinnies need your help for the 2024 Winter Appeal for the 2024 Winter Appeal.
Vinnies at the Henley Beach Catholic Parish assist the most vulnerable and needy people in the western suburbs. We provide support for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and also people struggling with poverty and cost-of-living pressures; i.e. food, clothing, utility payments, etc.
You can assist with:
- A tax-deductable donation using a card/bank transfer by phoning 131812 or online: – DONATE with the comment/Conference tag: “Henley Beach Conference”.
- Purchase tickets in the People’s Choice Community Lottery
Log on: People’s Choice Community Lottery
Click on: Buy Tickets
Type in: Henley Beach then click on the Search button
Click on: Henley Beach Conference St Vincent de Paul Society SA
When you buy a ticket in the Community Lottery, every dollar from your purchase will come directly back to the Henley Beach Conference. Please refer to the People’s Choice web page for the list of fantastic prizes to be won!
- Collect the Vinnies envelope from the back tables at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, 420 Seaview Road, Henley Beach and return envelope via the Mass collection plates or to the parish office.

Discipleship Retreat
You’re invited to a Discipleship Retreat.
Following Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.
Saturday 6th July 9:15am - 3:30pm
At Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church 420 Seaview Road Henley Beach
Speaker: Fr Manu Kumbidiyamackal MSFS
Please bring your own lunch tea/coffee provided.
Enquiries and bookings phone Pauline 0403002240 by 3rd July Cost by Donation
All Welcome
Thank you, God bless
Pauline Cotton 0403 002 240
