Newsletter Term 3 Week 3

Henley Parish Playgroup welcomed some of our families back last Tuesday. Forty four people came together in the church hall sharing stories, participating in craft, singing and connecting once again after our time apart. The joy was easy to see, the chatter lively and exciting but the thing most obvious for all was the laughter. Everyone was so delighted to be back together.
We gather as a group on Tuesday mornings each week from 9:30am – 11am in the OLSH Church Hall and everyone is welcome.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions in the Church Hall we have established a booking system to attend playgroup.
Bookings need to be registered each week via the link. or contact Barb Conlon 0439 305 543.
Recent News
Dear Families,
I am having a wonderful time getting to know everybody in the community and look forward to remembering everyone’s names “in time.” I have been working on the Year 6 classes, this week and last week, and am able to recall most students names! I have been ringing parents to introduce myself, once I have learnt a student’s name, so do not be worried when I give you a call.
While schools have many similarities, they also all have their own feel and systems. I refer to this as the culture of a school, culture meaning the way we do things around here! Learning about the culture of a school does take quite a bit of effort and time. Since last Wednesday I have been involved in many meetings, which help you understand the culture of a school. These meetings have included: OSHC, Finance, P&F, Cluster Meeting (all Principals in the region), Bursar, Enrolments, New CESA consultant for Inclusive Education, Chair of the School Board, Star Leadership Team, Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council, ICT meeting, Pastoral Council, Staff administration meetings, Staff professional learning meetings, Canteen, Lead Learning Team, Counsellor, Little Stars, MSP photography, School Quality and Performance Consultant, Year 6 Graduation, Induction, Signage of new building, Architect and Literacy. Individual meetings have been held with most teachers and I have attended three Reconciliation celebrations. Now that’s a few meetings!
One of the areas that stands out at Star of the Sea is that of community. “There is a lot going on at Star of the Sea School,” was the phrase in the staff consultation and parent consultation, that I received when applying for the position. So it has been difficult coming in, as a new Principal, in this time of CV-19. At many of the meetings I have attended, there have been discussions around what needs to be cancelled, changed or what can go ahead as planned (there are not too many of these events)! Sadly, this is the time in which we are currently living and we have to be agile and flexible with our arrangements. The disco and sports day (with a possible colour run) are the first events that we have been agile and flexible with, while the Fathers Day Breakfast is not able to go ahead. Fathers Day will be like Mothers Day with the production of a video.
While we are able to do most things, we usually do, with students on the school site, once we introduce adults, the physical distancing rules have to be applied, and then the reality hits of what this means to each event! Of course, the speed at which the advice changes, from those in authority, complicates the whole process. If we take children off the school site, the complexity of rules also increases.
I know this brings frustrations for parents and children. You probably do not see the frustration of school staff, especially in planning and re-planning. However, this is the time that we are living in and comes only from the concern of keeping everyone as safe as possible. At Star of the Sea School we will continue to be agile and flexible in our planning of events and while we will all get frustrated with this, I know I can count on clear heads prevailing. It is just going to be a different year!
Damian Weeks
Unfortunately, things are in a state of change again! This will affect many of the extra events held in our school.
It is worth giving a few reminders about how things work as we focus on the safety of our children.
As a Catholic Parish School, we take our directions from Catholic Education SA (CESA) in this area. CESA are following the advice of government agencies concerning how the current outbreak of coronavirus impacts students, staff and parents. Our focus is on minimising risk and ensuring we do all that we can to ensure our communities are safe.
This is a fluid and rapidly changing situation and CESA are updating their page regularly.
At Star of the Sea School we have continued our cleaning efforts of the following:
- door handles disinfected
- light switches disinfected
- phones and keyboards disinfected
- hard surfaces disinfected (bench tops, desks)
- floors disinfected (kitchen and toilets)
- handrails disinfected
Thank you to those parents that have made contact about keeping children at home because they are showing signs of being unwell and at times keeping children at home because the parents are unwell.
If we could ask parents to continue to do the following:
- Talk to students about the importance of washing hands
- Any student with a temperature must be kept home
- Any student with flu like symptoms must be kept at home
As confirmed cases in SA have increased, we have recently reviewed our school closure checklist.
I would like to remind our community about what happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the school:
- The school will communicate with families and follow the advice from relevant authorities, like SA Health.
- It is likely the school would close for at least 24-48 hours while it is cleaned, and health authorities trace virus contact between individuals.
- Health authorities will declare that the school has followed all expected protocols and allow the school to reopen.
- The school will keep you informed during any closure period via the SchoolBag App, School Website, email and if possible through written communication.
- Parents would be advised when students are able to return.
Damian Weeks
Hello friends
As I write this newsletter piece I can see from my window some beautiful winter sunshine. I trust that you have been able to enjoy the glorious weather of late, however I feel that the winter chill is yet to come.
Seaview Road
It seems as if I am writing about motorists’ activity on Seaview Road on a weekly basis, however I remind our parents and families again, that the local council are extremely active at the moment in issuing fines for motorists who are parked in the clearway zone or across driveways.
The area adjacent to the Marine Discovery Centre on Seaview Road is a clearway zone. If parents are parked in the clearway zone the risk of an expiation notice is high. Stopping on the northern side of the pedestrian crossing to wait for a parking spot is dangerous to pedestrians crossing Seaview Road as passing cars cannot see them.
Social Distancing
With the increasing restrictions from the SA Health Department regarding social distancing, I remind parents and community members that as adults we must continue to be vigilant when it comes to social distancing in our school grounds and in our school buildings. Please be vigilant with social distancing when you are gathered in and around our school. If you are feeling unwell or have any cold or flu like symptoms, please refrain from coming onto the school site or entering school buildings. Thank you for helping keep our community members safe.
Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays.
Matt Perry

“Never see a need without doing something about it.” Mary MacKillop
Next week is a celebration of Catholic Education: Raising Hearts and Raising Minds. This is timely as the Feast Day of Australia’s only saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, is this Saturday and she was instrumental in bringing Catholic Education to poor children across Australia.
The World Bank estimated that in 2016, 61 million primary aged children could not access any schooling. I couldn’t have imagined my life without school, could you? Here I am, still going to school, surrounded by young, eager minds and teachers who have a love of life-long learning.
We should remember that for many countries the challenge of education will be exacerbated by the challenging times we find ourselves in and our prayers go to all those in Victoria who need to stay safe at home.
Hector Chundaloo's painting of Mary MacKillop hangs in the National Museum of Australia. The bush tucker minyjiwarra (bush plum tree) on either side of Mary is a sign of how her spirit nourishes the Australian people, of how she follows the Ngapuny way (God's way). The hill country represents her different camping places here on earth.
Mary MacKillop, pray for us.
Stella Foley
School fee statements were sent home earlier this week via child/ren. If you are making regular payments from either a bank account or credit card, please ensure your payments are sufficient to cover any additional fees. Otherwise you will need to make additional payments to cover these fees via Bpay, QKR or payment to the School Office as they become due. This will ensure your school fee account is cleared by the end of the year.
Just a reminder: Parents/Caregivers who contribute at least $250 for a single child family or $300 for multiple children to the Planned Giving Programme of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Henley Beach for the 2020 calendar year may apply for a full rebate of the School Capital Levy. Application forms are available from the School Office. You will need to take the form to the Parish Office for approval.
If at any time you are having difficulty with the payment of your school fees, or have any queries, please contact me to confidentially discuss the matter.
Jane Leonard
Finance Manager

Our school disco is upon us, Friday 14 August 2020 it's a great event for our children. They get dressed up, come up with Crazy Hair designs and they get excited spending time dancing or just hanging out with their friends.
With the new Covid restrictions we have had to adjust how we would usually hold our school disco. To ensure we keep within the new social distancing laws, we have decided to host most of the disco times within school hours in the new Stella Maris Building.
Rec – Year 1 - between recess and lunch
Year 2 - Year 3 - between lunch and the end of the day
Year 4 – Year 5 - from 3:30pm until 5pm
Everyone can come to school in their disco clothes, crazy hair ready and school will finish at the usual time of 3:05pm, apart from the Year 4s and Year 5s. It will be an extra-long day for the Year 4s - Year 5s. They will need to pack an extra snack for after school and their pick up time will be 5pm at the Military Road pick up zone ONLY. This is again due to Covid restrictions, so no parents will be allowed to gather on the school property.
In the past we have charged a ticket fee to enter our disco, however, for this year's event and current conditions, we are only asking for a gold coin donation per child, paid via QKR!
We are so grateful that we are able to put on this event for our children. It’s important that they have these fun things to look forward to, this year especially.
Thank you for your support as always,
Parents and Friends Committee
The Carly Ryan Foundation have recently updated their fact sheets for families. This is somewhat timely with the recent security concerns in the media around the Tik Tok app. Here is the link to download the fact sheets.
This Term Kim, our STEM and Digital Learning Teacher is collaboratively learning with several classes with different learning focuses. Here is just a snippet of what we have been doing.
In Reception we are learning to use Seesaw and Book Creator independently to create and share our learning. We are also learning more about STEM and using our knowledge of fairy tales to learn about design thinking and will be creatively solving problems for the characters in the stories.
In Year 2, we are using the Bee Bot robots to integrate our learning in Mathematics about mapping and coordinating with our learning about how to program a robot with instructions to complete a challenge.
In Year 5 we are using our research skills in HASS to learn about a country and then incorporate our learning in designing a new digital game using Bloxels. We are in the design and planning stage at the moment and can’t wait to share our completed games with you later in the term.
This week a group of learners from years 4-6 that have an interest in digital technology began working with Kim on Wednesday afternoon to assess new software and hardware, developing podcast content or other project work of interest to the members of the group. Watch this space for more information about what we achieve.
Kim has also recently released two books on the Apple Book Store for teachers around STEM in the Early Years and using Apple technology for inclusive learning and teaching.
Matt and Kim STEM and Digital Learning Coordinator

Every Monday, students from Star of the Sea join Marine Discovery Centre’s Karno Martin for a Marine Trail on Henley Beach. Beachcombing is a popular activity for our students. Shells, marine life and sea glass are always intriguing beachcombing finds, but there are plenty of other treasures to be found along the seashore.
The Marine Discovery Centre is launching their National Science Week app this Saturday, a wonderful opportunity for more beachside fun for the whole family with great prizes to be won. You can register here

This week the Catholic School’s Netball Carnival was held at Priceline Stadium where Star of the Sea had 180 Year 3 - 6 boys and girls attend over 2 days, with Tuesday being the day for Year 5 and 6s and Wednesday for the Year 3 and 4s.
While the day was very different due to COVID19 restrictions and no parent spectators were allowed to attended, all students still had a great day playing 5 to 6 games of netball throughout the day.
Thank you to all team mangers and a special thank you to the fantastic girls from Seda College for coming out to support us with some of those people coming to help on both days.
Kristen Victory

Our Kitchen Garden is in full bloom! We have beautiful cauliflowers and broccoli growing and sugar snap peas and snow peas ready to eat. Lots of the soil in our garden beds are full of our school compost and jam-packed full of worms.

Quick Links
Important Dates
Science Week
Board Meeting
Sacrament Parent Information Session 7pm in the Church
School Disco
Sports Day/Colour Run
Last Day of Term

Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews will be held during Weeks 6 and 7 in Term 3.
Teachers will be conducting interviews face to face, if you wish this to be done via phone to discuss your child’s progress please email your class teacher. You will still need to book through our Parent Teacher Online booking (PTO) system.
This will be live Friday 14 August 2020.
Sport Dates
SACPSSA Touch Carnival Friday 4 September 2020. Information on Skoolbag app and registrations through Qkr!
Metro SAPSASA Swimming Carnival - this will be rescheduled please stay tuned for
further info.
Term 3 2020
SACPSSA Touch Carnival – Friday 4 September 2020
Star of the Sea School Sports Day/Colour Run - Thursday 24 September 2020
Term 4 2020
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival – Reschedule date TBA however it should be early October.
SAPSASA Airport District Athletics Carnival - Monday 29 October 2020
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival - Friday 2 November 2020
Kristen Victory
Sports Coordinator/Teacher

Welcome to the Learning Assistance Programme
When you're young, learning can be a delight or a difficulty. Some young people are challenged by their inability to express themselves, or they hide their feelings behind a shield of self doubt. Some have a feeling of isolation, some a sense of being behind the other students, while others are more able than the rest of their peers. These barriers can be very real and children and young people often need extra personal or academic enrichment and support, as well as the opportunity to spend time in a caring atmosphere with someone they can trust.
The Learning Assistance Programme (LAP) provides the safe and well-structured framework for this to happen. Schools are able to harness the untapped resources of their communities - their parents, grandparents, senior students, old scholars and community members.
You are all very welcome. Any question or information regarding LAP please email or call 8115 7400