Newsletter Term 3 Week 9
Hello Friends
The birds are singing and the blossoms have arrived. That can only mean that Spring has sprung. It is certainly nice to see some warmer days and enjoy the sunshine.
Seaview Rd Crossing
What’s wrong with the picture below?
As you can see this picture was taken on the Seaview Road crossing. The situation pictured below happens on a daily basis and endangers the safety of our children and pedestrians crossing Seaview Road. As you can see, the Road Crossing Monitors cannot see the traffic clearly because the vehicle has blocked the crossing and the monitors’ ability to see oncoming traffic. Please do not block the pedestrian crossing at any stage.
COVID 19 Restrictions
Please be aware that COVID 19 restrictions at this point in time have NOT eased at school. Please exercise social distancing and mask wearing around the school and if you NEED to enter school grounds. We also ask that you QR Code check in and enter via the front desk if you have an appointment with a staff member. Our children are showing terrific resilience in moving to and from their classrooms independently. We look forward to these restrictions easing so we can see our valued community members back on our school grounds.
School Values
At our school Assemblies (pre COVID 19) we did a lot of talking as a school about our school values. These being:
- Respect
- Honesty
- Collaboration
- Inclusivity
- Compassion
I have been discussing these values with Year levels in our school and what they mean in our daily school life. I have been impressed with the children’s understanding of what these values mean and the children have been able to give accurate examples of these values. I encourage you to have a similar discussion at home and see how these values can continue to be displayed at home and the positive affect they can have on our lives.
Keep in your Prayers
I ask you to keep Damian Weeks and his family in your thoughts and prayers at the passing of Damian’s mum Val. Damian’s mum passed away peacefully, surrounded by family on Tuesday morning.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
Thanks and Blessings
Recent News

The Most Reverend Archbishop O’Regan officially opened and blessed the Stella Maris Building on the 7th September. This was celebrated with a beautiful Liturgy and Opening ceremony. Special guests included Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia, Sr Enid, a past Principal and Sr Cynthia, whose time as a student and Sister of Mercy is commemorated by the Sr Cynthia award ‘Loyal en Tout’. Professor Denis Ralph, Chairperson of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools and one of Star’s cherished grandparents, gave the official speech, congratulating the vision of the architects and complimenting the exciting learning spaces that have been created.
The beautiful crosses that were blessed were hand painted for us by indigenous artists at the Santa Teresa Community in the Northern Territory. There is a wonderful story there of how we managed to transport them to Adelaide. See me and I can fill you in!
Thank you to all our families who donated so generously to ‘Welcome Afghan families to Adelaide.’ Now these families are out of quarantine, we wish them the very best as they begin their new lives here and we hope that we can assist them in some small way.
First Reconciliation marks the beginning of the Sacramental journey for our Year Three students, before they make their Confirmation and First Holy Communion in Year 4. Students from other year levels are very welcome to join this program as well if these sacraments haven’t been made earlier. There is a parent meeting in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Marlborough St, next Tuesday 21st September at 7pm led by Fr Peter Hearn msc. This is a compulsory meeting for parents wishing to enrol their child in the sacrament. If special circumstances prevent you from attending, please contact me before Tuesday so I can assist you with the process. Enrolment forms may be returned to your teacher or brought along on the evening. Baptism certificates can be attached as photocopies or an image can be emailed to your class teacher.
MITIOG (Made in the Image of God) focus group met this week, with Samantha Muir presenting an information and question session for parents about our mandated Human Sexuality Draft Curriculum. This was very interesting as we shared our hopes and concerns for our children, as well as laughs and companionship. Thank you to our parents who volunteered to be on our Steering Committee as we move forward into 2022. Congratulations Sam, your first parent presentation was a hit!
May God bless you and your family. May the flowers of spring shine brightly in your world.
Stella Foley

In week 8, the year 5 cohort was lucky enough to have the wonderful experience of staying at El Shaddai camping centre. We overcame fears, tried new things and most important of all, had fun. The theme of our camp was ‘get out of our comfort zone’, and every student did that in one way or another. Some of our favourite activities included rock climbing, the giant swing, canoeing and many more. Don’t worry, we were also fed many delicious meals throughout our camp experience. We would like to express our gratitude to all the teachers who went out of their way to come along, and to the staff at El Shaddai camping centre, who without, none of this would be possible. We think it’s highly agreed that everyone had the time of their lives.
By Kenzie and Ruby Room 5T

Important Dates
Last Day of Term
Term 4 Begins
School Disco

OSHC News - Term 4 Permanent Bookings
OSHC Families, please advise us via phone, email or text message of your child’s Term 4 permanent days for both, Before and After School Care. With Tues, Wed and Thurs now booked to capacity, it is essential you communicate your child’s / children’s needs for Term 4 ASAP, to avoid missing out.
Phone: 8115 7403
Mobile: 0404 174 076
Many thanks
School disco is here

Firday 15 October 2021 (Term 4, Week 1)
Receptions- Year 3’s will be held in school hours
Years 4-5 from 3.30pm - 4.30pm with pick up after from Military Road ONLY.
Spirit Seminar
A Life in the Spirit Seminar will be held at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church 420 Seaview Road Henley Beach. Thursday nights starting 30th September- 25th November at 7pm- 8.30pm All welcome for more information please phone Pauline 0403002240 Thank you. God bless Pauline Cotton Co-ordinator Living Waters Prayer Group 0403002240

The Women’s and Children’s Hospital has recently established a new service allowing parents to connect virtually to an emergency doctor or nurse, instead of visiting an emergency department, if their child is sick but not critically ill. Click here for more details.