Newsletter Term 4 Week 3
Dear Families
I am pleased to announce the first of a number of permanent appointments to our teaching staff this year. Elyce Davidson has won a permanent position on our staff after working with us for three years. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Elyce.
Congratulations to Emma Marsden and the Parents & Friends Committee for the 2023 Gala Ball which was a fantastic event. The night was full of energy and excitement as many of our parents gathered for a night of fun. Personally, I thought the food was fantastic!
Thank you to everyone for coming along and helping our community to raise some funds for some important projects. Thank you again to all the members of the committee.
With more time to research and prepare for stationery orders for your children for the 2024 school year, we are pleased to announce the following…
Each student in our school will be charged $50 for the booklist. This will be payable via QKR by Thursday 30 November 2023. This is all you have to do this year! More information will be available on the Audiri App.
The school will be doing the following:
- Ordering the items required for all students in our school
- Having the items delivered to our school before Christmas
- Items will be placed in your child’s class ready for the first day back in 2024
It has been brought to my attention that some parents have been handing out birthday treats after school.
While well intentioned, this could be potentially dangerous, even life-threatening and as a practice must stop!
As a parent you do not know if the child you are handing food to has any allergies or if the food could cause an anaphylactic reaction in that child.
It is estimated that up to 400,000 (2%) Australians, including 1 in 20 children suffer from food allergies and some of them will experience a life-threatening (anaphylactic) reaction.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
We have been quietly working in the background on the situation with the oval and have our final meeting on Monday with a landscape architect before our School Board meeting on Monday night. I hope I will be able to share further information in our next newsletter.
The older children are looking forward to our market day next week, while our younger children probably cannot see past Saturday’s Christmas Pageant, the school will be buzzing next week!
Kind regards
Damian Weeks

Recent News
Every 12 years Principals qualify for renewal leave and last term I took half of my eligible leave, to do three things:
- Visit the birthplace of the Sisters of Mercy, in Dublin
- Intensive study at the Leuven University
- Walk some of the Camino trail
The second leg of my trip took me Leuven, a small city of 100, 000 people, located in Beligum. Here I was to attended KU Leuven, one of the oldest universities in the world, to participate in a two week long intensive course on Catholic Identity. Leuven has been a university town since 1425 and students come from all over Belgium and the world to study here.
Attending the course were 14 educators from Adelaide, joined by more than a dozen other educators from the Eastern seaboard and one participant from Croatia.
Unlike Australia, where our Universities are located more often in one area, KU Leuven had faculties all over the town. Each day we attended lectures in a different faculty, which had us walking all over town! The day started with prayer, which was also held in a different chapel or church across the town.
The intensive course had us on the road at 8am finding the day’s prayer venue, followed by lectures till about 5pm. In the second week there were some excursions to visit schools, which was quite nice and broke up the lectures.
The study intensive was all about the Catholic Identity of schools and how to enhance this in the modern-day world. The university has been researching this for some time and have been working in a number of States across Australia. The Second Vatican Council had quite a lot to say about the mission of Catholic Education and the course is built on this. The course highlights the context in which Catholic Education takes place, always determined by its history and in dialogue with the culture. In this way we can look at the strengths, opportunities and challenges. The course invited us to recontextualise our Catholic School identity in dialogue with our context, and the development of our belief system and that of the students we teach.
Dear Star of the Sea Families
Year 6 Students
As we will soon approach the middle of this final term of 2023, I am conscious of the positive contribution our Year 6s make to the school community.
Just yesterday some of our wonderful student leaders assisted by welcoming prospective families to our school, and each day they ensure the safety of families entering and leaving the school at each of the school crossings.
Thank you Year 6 students for the caring, respectful and friendly manner in which you support others in our school.
OSHC Survey
All early childhood services including OSHC and Vacation Care are required by the Education and Care National Law and Regulations to provide a quality service that caters for children and their families.
The National Quality Standard outlines 7 Quality Areas that services are expected to know, understand and cater for on a daily basis.
At Star of the Sea OSHC we are committed to providing the best possible environment for all students who attend. Families whose children currently attend OSHC should have received a link to complete the survey. If you have not received the email about the survey, please contact Donna Marshall to update your email address and have the survey link sent to you. The survey closes next Tuesday 7 November 2023.
We look forward to hearing from families about our successes as well as opportunities for growth. All of the data received will be utilised to establish goals for the service, and form part of our annual Quality Improvement Plan.
Please feel welcome to approach our OSHC Director, Donna Marshall or myself if you have any questions about the survey.
Gemma D'Angelo
Acting Deputy Principal

This Year we are celebrating Mission Week next week, Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November.
The Theme this year is ‘Reaching Out with Love’.
Each day, the students will be participating in a variety of activities to help them understand the importance of reaching out to others and how we can be missionaries of God’s work.
Here is a schedule of what we will focus on each day during the week.
Monday: What does it mean to choose love
Tuesday: Love Yourself
Wednesday: Reaching out to others by donating clothes to Vinnies
Thursday: Reaching out to others by donating items for Vinnies food bunker
Friday: Mission Day Market Stalls
On Wednesday, we are asking families to donate any clothes items that are no longer needed. Please bring these along and we will organise to have them delivered to Vinnies.
On Thursday we are asking families to donate an item for the Vinnies food bunker which is located over at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church.
Here is a list of the items that they desperately need:
- Jars of vegemite
- Cereal (Weetbix and Cornflakes)
- Pasta Sauce
- Cans of sweet corn
- Cans of peas and carrots
- Cans of tuna
- Cans of soup
- Packets of pasta / spaghetti
Mission Market Day is on Friday Week 4, the 10th of November at 1:30pm – 2:30pm. Each class from Years 3 to 6 will oversee two stalls, one that sells goods and one that is activity based. Each class teacher will send out more information regarding what is needed for your class stalls.
This is a casual clothes day, please wear a splash of red.
This is a cashless event, and our Mission Day Donation Cards are now available to purchase on QKR. Please go to School Fundraising / Charity Collections / 2023 Mission Day Market and choose from a $2.00, $5.00 or $10.00 donation card. Please ensure you purchase a card for each individual child. Sales close on Wednesday 8th November. Cards will be given to the children on the day. Goods, raffles and activities range from 50c to several dollars. Cards are stamped as students visit the stalls. Completed cards are recycled to enter the ‘Grand Prize Raffle’ which will be drawn after lunch. As cards are considered a donation, no money will be refunded.
All money donated will go towards assisting Vinnies with the amazing work they do in supporting families in our local community.
As always, thank you for your generosity and continued support.
With Gratitude,
Dominique Laurendi
The Transition Receptions had a wonderful time at Little Sprouts, in the Botanic Gardens on Tuesday. We picked so much fresh produce from the garden, so yesterday we cooked up a delicious feast at school with all the ingredients. We were so proud of the students for trying so many new foods. There were even lots of empty plates!

Last Friday was "World Teachers' Day", thank you to our teachers and ESOs for your commitment and passion you bring to the world of education. We are blessed to have you.

Important Dates
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival Year 3-6
Board Meeting 6.30pm
Mission Week
Year 1 Assembly 9.15am
T3 Reception Beach Walk
Year 3 Assembly 2.30pm
Mission Market Day
Casual Day with a splash of red
Remembrance Day
Whole School Prayer Gathering 2pm
St Michael's Year 7 Parent Information Evening

Term 4 OHSC Newsletter
Please find attached OSHC Term 4 Newsletter.
Year 2 Uniforms
Dear Parents
As you are aware your child will be in full school uniform from Year 3.
If you are needing uniforms from Devon you will need to make an appointment, please find attached.
If you are wanting to look at second hand uniforms from our preloved store, please see below this term’s times:
Term 4 opening hours
Monday 2:50-3:20pm Weeks 1,3,5,7and 9
Wednesday 2:50-3:20pm Weeks 2,4 and 8
