Newsletter Term 4 Week 9
Dear Star of the Sea Families
Celebrating Term 3
As we approach the final week of Term 3, I would like to acknowledge the wonderful opportunities for learning that students have engaged in this term.
Throughout Term 3, our staff have contributed their skills in a range of ways and worked hard to promote the growth and development of every child, both in and beyond the classroom. All of these experiences work together to extend each child's learning, and staff actively monitor the progress each student is making, in all facets of their learning.
During this term staff have provided an array of wonderful opportunities for students in their learning beyond the classroom including, R-3 swimming lessons, SAPSASA, SACPSSA carnivals, Year 3-4 tennis, beach walks, excursions, assemblies, liturgies, Year 5 camp and our Year 6 students and staff are currently in Canberra.
Last weekend our school and parish community gathered to celebrate the Confirmation and First Holy Communion of over 60 young people from our school. This sacramental celebration enables each of us to contemplate the presence of Jesus in our daily lives and consider how the gifts of the Holy Spirit help us to share the love of God with others.
Special thanks to Father Manu for presiding the celebrations and thank you to Domenique Laurendi and Gary Pascoe, Adam Francis, Katrina Frangiosa and Mel Tokic for all of their work in preparing the children for this sacramental occasion.
Canteen Survey
Thank you to our families who participated in our canteen survey. Once the data has been collated we will provide further information.
Term 4 Uniform Requirement
In readiness for next term students are expected to wear their full summer uniform in Term 4. All students must wear their hats, please remember "no hat no play". Please refer to the document below from the cancer council.
OSHC and Vacation Care
In preparation for site works during the holidays, a new perimeter and internal fence between the oval and playground spaces is being installed. The installers will add temporary fencing, mesh and bollards on the oval so that Vacation Care can be separated from the building works along Marlborough Street. Minimal disruptions may occur. We expect that Parents/Caregivers will still be able to access the MDC Courts as site works continue.
In accordance with the safety requirements of the National Law and Regulations for Education and Care, we ask that all Parents/Caregivers continue to walk children into the OSHC room where a member of staff will sign them in.
Star of the Sea School Oval
Thank you to those families who have approached me recently to share their concerns about the current state of the oval. As a staff we too share these same concerns. It is a much loved play area for the students and in its current state it is not ideal for play, nor is it aesthetically pleasing and the ongoing returfing comes at a significant cost. The school has continued to source expert advice and has continued to trial various turf types to try and attain a better outcome.
In January of this year the oval was re turfed once again and within 6 months it was apparent that the re turfing was unsuccessful. The company we utilise to lay the turf is highly recommended and well-known, as they also take care of the turf at Adelaide Oval, surrounding schools and stadiums.
The school continues to work through all possible avenues to resolve this issue with the oval. We work together with the Planning and Development team at the Catholic Education Office to facilitate the best possible process and options, and this conversation is continuing with the School Board.
The oval is currently on the agenda at Board level and upon Damian Weeks' return next term the Board will work through a process of establishing next steps.
Our thanks to our grounds and maintenance officer at Star, Mick Burgan who works tirelessly to try and seek solutions for this very important play space in our school.
Thank you
Thank you to all families for the varied ways that you have engaged in partnership with the school this term. This could be supporting excursions, assisting children at home with their learning or meeting with us to discuss how we can best work together to support your child. All of these interactions support the growth and development of our learning community, and collaboration between home and school actively supports improved learning outcomes for each child.
Finally I would like to thank Sheena Pattinson for her excellent work as Acting Deputy Principal at Star this term. We also look forward to welcoming the return of Mr Weeks in Term 4.
Our last day of Term 3 is next Friday 29 September 2023. My best wishes to all families for a peaceful and enjoyable term break, we look forward to seeing you all on the first day of Term 4, which is Tuesday 17 October 2023.
Gemma D'Angelo
Acting Principal
Recent News
Last weekend was a very special time for 68 of our Star of the Sea Students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. There were 3 Sacramental Masses celebrated over the weekend, where our students were welcomed into the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Henley Beach Parish.
During the past few months these students have been growing and journeying together, reflecting on their lives and their own experiences. They have grown in their knowledge and love of God; that same knowledge and love they have shared within their families and within the life of our Church.
We were blessed to have Father Manu preside our masses, who led the students with his gentle manner and made all the candidates feel blessed and welcomed.
On Friday, all the Year 4 students will participate in mass at the Cathedral in the city as a way of celebrating this memorable journey they have travelled on together.
I would like to personally thank the Year 4 class teachers, Katrina Frangiosa, Adam Francis, Gary Pascoe and Mel Tokic for preparing these students and assisting me with the entire Sacramental Program. Another big thank you to Laurie Sammut who came and assisted us on our Sacramental Retreat Day.
Thank you to all the families, friends and sponsors for supporting these young students on this important milestone in their faith journey.
May God continue to shine upon them all and bless them always.
With gratitude
Domenique Laurendi

Dear Families,
The warmer weather has definitely put a spring in my step as I am sure it has for you too. Being able to enjoy more outdoor activities as we head into the warmer months is always well received.
Self-Care September
This month’s calendar from the Action for Happiness website, is a timely one as we near the end of term! With so much happening for many of our young people and their families, self-care must be a priority for us all. There are a few suggestions on the calendar that I know can be more challenging than others, like giving yourself permission to say no. I hope some of these gentle reminders can be useful for you or your children.
UNISA Pre-service Teachers
Our teachers at Star of the Sea are an amazing group of people who demonstrate dedication, service, compassion and care. A career in teaching is a fulfilling one, as much as it is an all-consuming one, as our educators constantly consider the wellbeing of all those entrusted into their care. To support our system and to continue to grow capacity in educators for our future, we welcome this term and next, four pre-service students from UNISA who will be working alongside our wonderful teachers. You will see Jordan, Sarah, Sally and Carla around the school. I trust their experience here at Star will be a valuable one!
Enjoy the weekend sunshine!
Go well,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Learning and Wellbeing
Important Dates
Year 2 Assembly 2.30pm
Last Day of Term
Casual Day
Season of Creation Walk 9.15am
Term 4 begins

Dear Families,
We are currently in the Season of Creation, a time when we are all called to give thanks for the creation that God has given us.
Pope Francis calls us all to be ‘Stewards of our Land‘ and to pay attention to the many gifts that surround us each day.
Next week our students will engage in a number of activities in class, ending in a Whole School Pilgrimage to the beach to celebrate this special time.
- Students are invited to wear casuals. Please make sure they bring a hat to wear.
- We will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am, returning by 10:30am.
- Each class will engage in a prayer service and then spend some time enjoying the beach; making sandcastles, drawing in the sand, before participating in a beach clean-up. Students will not be going in the water or anywhere near the water.
- Each class needs 2 parent volunteers to assist us with walking to and from the beach, and supervision while we are there. If you have all relevant checks, please contact your class teacher.
We look forward to a nice morning, giving thanks to God for all creation.
School Fees Reminder
If you have an automatic deduction from a nominated credit card or bank account, please check the amount to ensure that your fees will be paid in full by the end of November. It is important that you contact the school if your credit card number or card expiry date change so we can update the authority to ensure payments continue.
Please note all authorities cease at the end of the 2023 school year and a new authority is required in 2024. Please refer to the 2024 School Fee information that was sent home this week.
For further information regarding school fees please visit
If you have any questions regarding your school fees, please contact Karyn Burlow, Finance Manager at