24 October 2019

Catholic Education South Australia
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Mission Week 2019

Mission Week: ‘One World: Many People’ started with a wonderful celebration on the oval under a vivid blue sky. Kaboom Sports provided many exciting activities for all age groups to enjoy, ably led by our Year 6 students.


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome back for the start of Term 4!  As I moved around the school last week it was wonderful to see that the children have returned with much enthusiasm and look refreshed and ready to give their best for this the final term of 2019. Where does time go?

There is much to do in Term 4 as we commence planning for 2020 and put into place staffing, class placements, class budgets, book lists, etc. This term’s calendar is well and truly filled with an array of end of year events and celebrations such as Assemblies, Mission Week, Music Showcase Concert, Orientation Days, Carol's Night and excursions. All of these activities take a great deal of planning and happen because of the generosity of so many people who are prepared to give of their time. A Term 4 school calendar was sent home last week. I suggest you keep it in a prominent place or on the family fridge for reference.

This time of the year also marks the commencement of report writing.  Teachers will begin the task of final assessments, gathering student data, test results, and other information, and use their knowledge of your child’s learning to write the end of year report.  If you haven’t been in communication with your child's teacher recently it would be appropriate to do so now, similarly if teachers have any concerns they will be in contact with parents.  This will hopefully ensure that there will not be any surprises in the reports when they are distributed in Week 9.

Tribute Liturgy to Fr John

Last Wednesday we held a memorial celebration for Father John. This was the first time we could gather as a school community to pay tribute to a wonderful man and priest. During our liturgy we were able to sing songs that we know Fr John loved hearing the kids sing, Mrs Manera gave a beautiful eulogy, the children read their reflections and Mr Petkovic and Mr Moulton came bake to sing their rendition of 10000 Reasons.

Father Krish gave a moving homily and it was his first time expressing his profound loss of his dear friend and brother. Without a dry eye in the church, it was what we all needed. Father John's influence and presence in our lives will live on if we live like he did, in service for others, doing good deeds.

Rest in Peace Father John.


Colour Fun Run

Thank you everyone for your tremendous support of the Colour Fun Run last term. In all my years of teaching I would have to say that it is one of the most memorable community events I have ever been a part of. It was great to see children, parents, teachers and friends getting involved and having so much fun together. Well done everyone on a great job. Special thanks to the Parents and Friends Committee led by Ros Stevens. It was a big undertaking getting it all organised and what an explosion of colour it was.

Thanks to St Michael's College for allowing us to use their oval and thanks to Mr Burgan our school grounds man for his work putting the obstacle course together.

It was an outstanding fundraising and friend raising effort with over $20000 raised towards the new Imaginative Play Space. Information about prize selection and delivery will be sent home soon.

The following link sums up the day.

Joe De Tullio


Volunteer Requirement

Thank you for the time and dedication to our students and our school that our volunteers make. We appreciate the time our volunteers give up for the benefit of our school, the staff and the children. I remind all volunteers that to be able to volunteer in any capacity in school, or excursions, or sporting roles, or any other role, volunteers must have the following current and valid:

Catholic Police Clearance
RAN Certificate (Responding to Abuse and Neglect)

WITHOUT these two current and valid documents, community members will be UNABLE to volunteer.

If you have any questions regarding your validity to volunteer or your current volunteer status, please contact Paula Ogilvie on pogilvie@star.catholic.edu.au or through the front office on           8115 7400.

We appreciate your understanding.

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Key Dates

Term 4
Monday 14 October - Wednesday 11 December

Friday 25 October
Family Photo Mop up day

Tuesday 29 October
Year 2 Excursion

Friday 1 November
Year 5 & 6 Lacross Carnival
Footsteps Reception - Year 4
All Saints Day

Friday 3 November
All Souls Day

Monday 4 November
P&F Meeting

Tuesday 5 November
Music Showcase Concert 7pm in the Church



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Uniform Shop
Tuesdays 8.30am - 10am

School Holiday Dates 2020:
Monday 20 January 9-4pm and Tuesday 21 January 9am-12pm

Devon clothing uniform shop are pleased to announce that Star of the sea customers can now purchase uniform from:

84 daws Road, Edwardstown Ph: 83731776

Email: dcus@devonclothing.com.au

What does this mean for you?

You can now purchase your uniform Mon – Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-12pm during the school holidays* and school term, as well as during the usual opening times a the School Shop.
Your Online Orders will now be processed as we receive them, at Edwardstown, and you can still opt to have your order put in your child’s classroom box or have it sent to your Business or Home address or you can collect it from the school uniform shop on Tuesdays or anytime during regular trading hours at Edwardstown


From the Deputy Principal

A very warm welcome back to school for our final term of 2019.

The weather has certainly turned it on for us over the last couple of days and keeps us guessing as to what the weather and temperature it will be the following day. 

The recent weather has reminded us that all students are required to wear their hats for playtime and during fitness and sport lessons. Please ensure that all hats are labelled with your child’s name on it. Hats are available for purchase in the Uniform Shop.

The building Project

As you would have noticed, the building project is now in the structural stage, with most of the structural steel now in place for the new part of the build. The next part of the building process will comprise of Bond-deck being laid and then two concrete pours occurring next week. These pours will form the ceiling and floor of the new building and the paths around the new building. The elevator shaft is now in place with structural steel joining the new build to the existing MacKillop building. The widening of the corridors in the lower level of the Mackillop building continues to take place and the renovation of the current Reception classrooms is in full swing. I am happy to report that students have responded well to the change of direction in terms of pedestrian traffic flow and our Science and Italian lessons are being taught from the childrens' classrooms. 

Lost Property

There is an abundance of lost property at the moment with large amounts of items unlabelled, which makes it difficult to return then to the rightful owner. I remind parents and caregivers that any clothing that is brought to school should have the students name clearly labelled on it. The lost property box is now located outside the Reception classroom adjacent the oval.

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Remember this: The person who plants a little will have a small harvest. But the person who plants a lot will have a big harvest.  Each one should give, then, what he has decided in his heart to give. He should not give if it makes him sad. And he should not give if he thinks he is forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily. Cor 9:6-8


Sport News

Welcome to Term 4!

As the 2019 is coming to an end, it is now time to start thinking about 2020’s sporting events.   Registrations will come start coming out in the next couple of weeks, these will include registrations for Star of the Sea’s 2020 Swimming carnival.  All these registrations need to be completed prior to the end of the 2019 school year so that events will be ready to take off at the beginning of 2020.  Notices will come out both through class office boxes and through the Skoolbag app. 


This if the first year of the SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival as it replaces the European Handball Carnival.  All initial registrations have closed for this carnival however an email has gone out notifying those people that have registered for the carnival now need to give permission for change of day.  This is done through the skoolbag app.

Lacrosse Carnival is now Friday 1 November, 2019.

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Sport Dates for Term 4 2019

Footsteps Dance for Reception – Year 4  -  Weeks 1 – 4 & 6

SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival – Friday 1 November 2019.

Surf Ed for Yr 4’s – Friday 15 and Monday 18 November 2019

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Road Monitors Roster

To view the  this term's Road Monitors Roster click on the link below.

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Join our Community on Facebook for a 'behind the scenes' look at what happens at Star of the Sea School.



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To view the Tuck Shop roster and price list click on the link below.