
From the Principal


Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome back for the start of Term 4!  As I moved around the school last week it was wonderful to see that the children have returned with much enthusiasm and look refreshed and ready to give their best for this the final term of 2019. Where does time go?

There is much to do in Term 4 as we commence planning for 2020 and put into place staffing, class placements, class budgets, book lists, etc. This term’s calendar is well and truly filled with an array of end of year events and celebrations such as Assemblies, Mission Week, Music Showcase Concert, Orientation Days, Carol's Night and excursions. All of these activities take a great deal of planning and happen because of the generosity of so many people who are prepared to give of their time. A Term 4 school calendar was sent home last week. I suggest you keep it in a prominent place or on the family fridge for reference.

This time of the year also marks the commencement of report writing.  Teachers will begin the task of final assessments, gathering student data, test results, and other information, and use their knowledge of your child’s learning to write the end of year report.  If you haven’t been in communication with your child's teacher recently it would be appropriate to do so now, similarly if teachers have any concerns they will be in contact with parents.  This will hopefully ensure that there will not be any surprises in the reports when they are distributed in Week 9.

Tribute Liturgy to Fr John

Last Wednesday we held a memorial celebration for Father John. This was the first time we could gather as a school community to pay tribute to a wonderful man and priest. During our liturgy we were able to sing songs that we know Fr John loved hearing the kids sing, Mrs Manera gave a beautiful eulogy, the children read their reflections and Mr Petkovic and Mr Moulton came bake to sing their rendition of 10000 Reasons.

Father Krish gave a moving homily and it was his first time expressing his profound loss of his dear friend and brother. Without a dry eye in the church, it was what we all needed. Father John's influence and presence in our lives will live on if we live like he did, in service for others, doing good deeds.

Rest in Peace Father John.


The Term 4 blues can strike even the most diligent of students and as we turn into the final strait getting up in the morning can be a real chore. I remind parents that regular attendance at school is very important. Going to school every day and getting there on time reinforces for the children, that school is a significant experience. I cannot stress enough the value of arriving to school on time. Most classroom teachers set out the day’s routine, lunch orders, prayer, news, notes for the office, learning intentions and work expectations for the day. Missing out on these routines sometimes means that when a child arrives late, they are playing catch up for the remainder of the morning and are unsettled and unsure. If this happens regularly children can become anxious or even casual in their approach.

It is also important for children to attend school regularly. Allowing children to stay home for no good reason sends a message that learning can be interrupted and isn't important. When children attend regularly, the teacher is able to build a sequence of learning for each child and children develop a sense of increasing success. Attending school regularly also supports a child’s sense of belonging to the class, the school and helps them maintain friendships. I understand that at this time of year motivation is low and we are all tired, making for a slower start to the day; however I ask that families make the extra effort to be on time. Recently the litany of ‘stragglers’ and late comers to school seem to be increasing!

Mission Week

This week we launched Mission Week with a significant whole school event 'Kaboom Sports'. What a great way to set the Mission Week theme 'One World Many People ' in motion. Throughout the week the children have been taking part in various activities and taking a different focus each day reflecting on a particular theme. Yesterday we were inundated with foreign currencies from all over the world that will go to UNICEF. Teaching our children that compassion comes from truly caring for and loving another person is one of life's important lessons. I know that the school has been asking a great deal of families of late with Colour Run donations etc so it is even more impressive when I see the generosity of Star of the Sea families who have so willingly given to this important cause. Please know it is appreciated. Mission Week concludes this Friday with 'Friendship Friday' and a chance to spend time with our buddy class.

Class Placements 2020

The process of placing students in classes for next year has commenced but will not be completed until late in the term. The process is comprehensive, detailed and requires a number of criteria to be considered. Parent requests are one consideration and although the teachers endeavour to take into account every request, they are not able to satisfy everyone; in fact, satisfying some parent requests can be directly in conflict with another parent's request. Teachers are not at liberty to divulge such information but it is worthwhile mentioning this so you are aware of some of the complexities associated with placing students. The main criteria revolve around educational needs (including social) and as stated in other newsletters, the teachers are in the best position to determine these needs. I would ask that you respect their professional judgments in these matters as do 95% of the school community. All placements made will be final and changes will not be made once they are published. Class placement lists will be sent home at the end of Week 7 and ‘meet the new teacher morning’ will be on Thursday 5th December. On this day, students will get to meet their new teacher and new class mates for the following year.

This Wednesday 30th October is World Teachers Day! We wish all our teachers and school support staff a wonderful day and we acknowledge the great work they do with our children. Our staff do a tremendous job at Star of the Sea and it is important that we express our gratitude for the role they play in educating the students and also for providing such a happy, safe and supportive environment for learning.

Enjoy the weekend ahead and the glorious weather.

Joe De Tullio