

From the Principal


Holiday Works

During the holiday break there has been a hive of activity around the school.

MacKillop Building classrooms with old florescent lights were replaced with new LED lighting
Upstairs and down stair toilets were repainted
Unfortunately, a section of the new Nature Play area was set on fire by several youths who were seen on the school grounds. A reminder that we need to be vigilant and security conscious.
The Staff Room also received a face lift with a new kitchen installed. The staff are very appreciative of the new cabinets and bench tops and has made a great difference in the way the Staff Room works.

Parent Volunteers

At Star of the Sea we are very fortunate to have so many parents who give freely of their time, listening to children read in classrooms, helping supervise at excursions, coaching sports teams and even cleaning classrooms. I remind parents who wish to volunteer at school, that they must be a registered volunteer (this includes RAN and WH&S training) and have an up to date Catholic School’s Police Clearance. Police Clearance forms are available from the Front Office. Please be aware that I cannot allow parents or grandparents, no matter how well I know you to attend excursions, school camps, coach sports' teams or volunteer in classrooms to work with children, unless your clearance is up to date. The onus is on parents to keep track of their status and renew their Police Clearances when they fall due. Teachers have up to date lists of fully registered volunteers, you can check with them if you are unsure, or inquire at the front office.

The Ken Kelsey Award

Each year we encourage children from Years 3-7 to write a story and enter the Ken Kelsey competition for the Ken Kelsey Award. Ken was a former student of Star of the Sea School and Ken won the Year 7 award for the highest academic grades in the City of Henley/Grange in his final primary year at school. Many years ago Ken donated the medal he won which is now part of a perpetual trophy. Each year two students are awarded the Ken Kelsey Junior and Senior awards for the best story. Over the years there have been some amazing winners and short stories written. We encourage students in Year 3-7 to enter the competition. They can write a new piece especially for the competition or they can enter a classroom piece of writing that they have re-worked. We look forward to announcing this year's winners at the Book Week Parade in Week 6.

Little Stars Class of 2019

Last week we welcomed our new Little Stars transition children who will be our new Receptions for 2019. They had a great time learning lots of new things. We wish all of our Little Stars  and their families wonderful fun days ahead as they begin their school experience.

Whole School Parish Mass

A heads up, Friday 15 August in two weeks' time, is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. It is a time in when we are called to honour the true glorification of Mary. Pope Francis (Evangelii Gaudium 288) proclaims Mary, the first disciple of Jesus and the mother of the church. We will be celebrating a whole school Mass at 11.15am in the church. All parents and friends are welcome to join us. The Feast of the Assumption is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Thank you to all of our families for a wonderful start to Term 3. It has been great to see the children return so enthused and ready for school. Enjoy the weekend ahead even though it is a Showdown. I wonder what team song we will be playing Monday morning?

Joe De Tullio