
From the Deputy Principal


Pedestrian, Motorist and Bike riders

After a number of near misses over the past week two weeks, I feel the need to write to remind all members of the school community to exercise caution when using the footpaths and roads around our school at all times.

  • I ask you to remind children who ride bikes to and from school to check for vehicles and pedestrians before crossing roads
  • As pedestrians, please ensure that all vehicles have come to a complete stop before leaving the footpaths to cross any roads
  • If pre-school children and young children are walking with you, please ensure they are kept under close supervision, especially around roads and driveways
  • As motorists, please obey all speed limits, directions from crossing monitors, obey all road rules and please adhere to parking restrictions and zones around the school.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller

Thanks and blessings

Matt Perry