
From the Principal


Student Use of the School Phone

From time to time children come into the office to ask if they use the school phone to call parents. These calls are increasing in frequency. Most the time the requests are important, especially if training or after school events are cancelled etc. However, we are finding that a number of children are asking to make calls because they can't remember what gate to be collected from, or they want to arrange play dates etc.

Please be aware that children will be questioned why they need to make calls and if the office staff deem the call trivial or not urgent students will not be permitted to use the school phone.

Children’s University

Next Wednesday night at the Adelaide University, we have a number of students from Star of the Sea graduating from Children’s University. It is always great to see our students proudly walk across the stage to receive their certificate for completed Children’s University activities. Many of the students have accrued many hours of extra studies and activities.

A special thanks to the staff and parents who contributed in making Children’s University activities possible for our community. In particular, I wish to thank Mrs Kim Martin and Mr Perry for their support and coordination. Kim and Matt have worked diligently behind the scenes to ensure students were provided with opportunities to complete activities.

Reminder of Important Dates

Please ensure you have the following dates in your diary:

Tuesday 19 November                                    Volunteer Morning Tea and Sports Appreciation Night
Tuesday 26  November                                   Reception 2020 Parent Info Night
Thursday 5 December                                    Meet the Teacher Morning
Friday 6 December                                          Carol's Night
Monday 9 December                                      End of Year Whole School and Graduation Mass
Wednesday 11 December                             Last day of school


As you can appreciate, the weeks ahead will be quite hectic, as reports are being written and planning is finalised for 2020. Many thanks to the various committees who are working behind the scenes to ensure our end of year events such as the Carol's Night, Sports Presentation, Masses, Induction Mornings and Instrumental Concerts etc are all organised for our enjoyment.

Our prayers and condolences to the Izzo family. Marian Izzo (Year 4I) and Jessica Izzo (Rec I) lost their mother- in-law and grandmother. We keep Nat and his family in our thoughts at this difficult time.

This Tuesday Father Krish shared the news with staff that he will be leaving the Henley Beach Parish in January to take up a new posting as Parish Priest of Mooney, in Hobart, Tasmania. Father Krish will be a great loss to us here at Star of the Sea and we thank him for the spiritual care and guidance he has provided over the short time he has been with us. Losing Father John and now Father Krish will leave a big hole in our hearts and school.

No doubt we will have the opportunity to farewell Father Krish in true Star of the Sea style at the End of Year Whole School Mass on the 9 December 2019.

Enjoy the weekend ahead
Joe De Tullio