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From the Deputy


Military Rd and Seaview Rd Pick Up After School

It is with some fear of sounding repetitive that I write, once again about the choices and behaviour of some motorists on Seaview Rd and Military Rd after school at pick up time. The North bound lane on Military continues to be blocked causing motorists using this lane considerable frustration.

On Seaview Rd, motorists are choosing to stop on the Pedestrian Crossing which block the vision of the traffic for the traffic monitors, creating a very unsafe scenario. Motorists are also parking in the Bus Zone on Seaview Rd, near the Marine Discovery Centre. The yellow lines painted on Seaview rd are a clearway, meaning NO PARKING.

Commisioner for eSAFETY

I continue to encourage parents to be vigilant in regards to cyber safetly and children. Please find an updated links to the eSafety wesbite and fact sheets. With school holidays around the corner, this is a great time for extra information. Fact sheets and eSafety

Mobile Phones

I remind parents that if children are bringing mobile phones to school, these need to be handed to the teacher in the classroom for the school day. These devices can be handed back to students at the conclusion of the school day. The office phone can be used by students once permission is sought from the class teacher to call parents.

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” Roy T. Bennett

Thanks and Blessings