

From the Deputy Principal


Hello Friends

It has been fantastic to see that our new families and our Reception students have settled in to the routine and structure of our school. I suspect that all families have worked out the most efficient way of getting to and from classrooms before and after school while our building process enters its final term. 

‘Book a Chat’
It was also fantastic to see families meeting with teachers for the book a chat sessions that have been held over the past couple of weeks. We hope that this has provided an opportunity for teachers to gain an insight about children in their class and for parents to share relevant information about their children.

Swimming Carnival
I also take this opportuniy to congratulate all of our competitors who took part in the start of the school swimming carnival last week. Every single competitor gave their best effort and displayed fantastic sportsperson ship skills. We also say a special thank you to all of our parent volunteers for helping to make the event a fantastic occasion. Your donation of time and skill is greatly appreciated. A sincere thanks also goes to Kristen Victory for her tireless work in this area. Congratulations to our Team Captains on their leadership and spirit and particularly the McCauley Team on taking victory for the event.

Online Safety 
I remind parents of the following link and encourage parents to frequent this website frequently.

The commissioner for online safety provides helpful tips and strategies in helping and educating the children with remaining safe online. By using the parents tab, parents will be able to access information and webinars relating to issues such as cyber bullying and young children using Internet. 

The internet and the apps that children have access are constantly changing and I urge parents to keep asking questions to their children about what apps and websites children are frequenting and who they are communicating with online.

“Our kids are growing up on a digital playground, and no one is on recess duty….”
Kevin Honeycutt

Before and After School
All children need to be on the oval or the MDC carpark before school, unless being supervised by a parent or caregiver. The teachers on duty in the morning supervise the oval and the MDC carpark. The other location children can be in before school is the library which is also supervised. The school bell in the morning rings 8.45am. In the afternoon children need to be directly supervised by parents or caregivers. Teachers are on duty at the Military and Seaview Rd collection points and the Marlborough St crossing. We appreciate your support in keeping students safe, before and after school.

Term 1 Calendar
Please refer to the Term 1 Calendar for important dates and events. Childrens' classes will send out other class specific information relevant to individual classes via Class Newsletters and information avenues. Our first Year Level Assembly occurs on Wednesday 19 February in the Church, hosted by the Year 4 classes. Class awards will be presented at this assembly. See you there.

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
Roy T. Bennett

Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry