
From the Acting Deputy Principal


Dear Parents

I came across an excellent article last week that I wanted to share with you all. I think it resonates for parents and teachers alike….. when we hear our kids say those complaining words………. “I CAN’T”. As parents and teachers we want to encourage, we want to build resilience and we want to build problem solving skills in our kids but often the “I can’t do it” statement continues relentlessly until we give in, walk away or do it for them. We hear the children start the negative self talk and then we say things like ‘yes you can or that looks okay or just try again’ but the article states that all that really does is make us feel better. The author, Lauren, a nurse, mum and blogger, shared the one genius line we can all use that helps guide the child to their own solution. She suggests we sit next to them at a heart level and gently say “Show me the hard part”. Once we know where the challenge is we can offer strategies to the specific issue rather than shutting the whole learning experience or difficulty down in its entirety. It really helps understand the especially hard part for the child and breaks it into a much more specific but achievable problem to solve. Rather than not even have a go or starting the task, we only need to focus on the one thing that is really bothering or blocking the child from them having a go themselves. I think it also helps with the child not having to get defensive and try to prove that they really can’t do it. We all know that sometimes kids will dig their heels in. ‘Show me the hard part’ questioning technique allows our kids to solve the problem in a way that is achievable and ultimately that is the best learning of all.

Semester One Reports

Teachers have been busy working on the Semester 1 reports that will go home on Tuesday 2 July (Week 10). These reports will assess learning across the curriculum for the first half of the year. A lot of time and effort, assessments and data collection have been collated to provide an overview of each child’s progress thus far. Please see your child’s class teacher if you need to discuss the report further.

Carly Ryan Foundation Student and Parent Workshop 

We are pleased to welcome the Carly Ryan Foundation presenters to run online safety sessions for students in Years 5 and 6 during the day and a parents only session in the evening on Tuesday 6 August 2019. Sessions are free as the foundation has a grant to run the sessions. You will notice flyers around the school as well as the link on QKR.

The Carly Ryan Foundation’s approach is about building on the emotional intelligence of young people, enabling them to make better choices, have respect for others, build resilience and enable positive communication. The Foundation visits schools nationally, where the team educates about the benefits of connecting online as well as the potential risks inherent through internet interaction. Last time, Sonya visited we had an overwhelming response from parents and we expect that all will find the information very useful again particularly as we navigate this digital age together. More information can be accessed on the link:

ICAS Exams

These competitions are still open online for registration on QKR. Below is the time table of dates for ICAS exams for this year. If you would like your child to take part in any of these exams, please enrol prior to the cut off of date of Monday 1st July. Exams on offer include Science, Writing, Spelling, English and Maths. Children from all over Australia, New Zealand and other countries in our region take part in these exams. Once names are confirmed I will spend some time with the students guiding them on how they are conducted. This will be important for those attempting the tests for the first time. Children receive their certificates for these exams at our school assembly in Term 3. If you require further information you may contact me or access the webite at


Year Level

Sitting Date


Years 2-6

Thursday 5th September


Years 3-6

Tuesdy 10th September


Years 2- 6

Thursday 12th September


Years 2- 6

Tuesday 17th September


Years 2- 6

Thursday 19th September

Motorist Behaviour After School

There are a number of concerning motorist behaviours that have come to our attention again from the council and local residents. Saftey and traffic build up on Miliary Road after school in particularly is of serious concern. We still see cars banked up on Military Road waiting to gain access to the drop off/pick up zone instead of going around the block. Motorists have been fined for doing this by SAPOL and patrols frequent the area. The practice is unsafe and causes disruption for other motorists trying to use Military Road. We simply can not be parking and waiting there. I appreciate your cooperation to ensure road rules are complied with around our school.

Nationally Consistent Collection Data

Every year all schools are required to collect data on students with a disability or students for whom the curriculum is adjusted in some way(s). The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with disability reinforces the obligations schools have under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disabiility Standards for Education 2005. It counts the number of students who are supported under these obligations based on the professional judgement of teachers and their knowledge and understanding of their students, consultation with leadership and with outside agencies and professionals. This also includes students with an Individual Education Plan. This is an anonymous process and no student is identified by name or location of school. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

The remainder of the term proves to be busy one with the upcoming sporting carnivals, disco on Friday, liturgies, music showcase, dance concert and Mass celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart, an important one for our msc Parish next Friday. We look forward to seeing you at these events as the term comes to an end.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead.

Many thanks
Kelly Manera